Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Beauty & Wisdom

And the Nuts of the Sacred Hazel Tree fell on the Waters.
They were like strange fruits, golden-rinded, ruby-hearted, fragrant, wonderful: and as they fell the circling water crimsoned, a surge of ecstasy moved in it, and everywhere a myriad joyous voices cried: 
The stars blossom.
Wisdom is born. 

Fionn that was the God of the Waters, exulted. Beauty flowered in him; Wisdom unfolded. With every surge, with every pulse, with every heart-beat, Fionn exulted.
And still the fruits of the Hazel Tree fell upon the waters.
Like stars they fell, like glittering constellations, like flaming suns. And still the voices cried:


From "The Nuts of Knowledge"   in  THE TANGLE–COATED HORSE by Ella Young

I know that in every age there are those who wake up in the morning and wonder "Has the world gone mad?"  War, famine, drought, climate-change, plagues, genocide, gynocide - none of these are new to the world.  The question (rather, the Quest) becomes how does one survive? For Ella, her lifelong search for Beauty and Wisdom elevated her spirit from the mundane world, keeping her focused on the work of her soul. How often she must have felt discouraged in her work for Irish independence, yet her old tales and her poetry surely served to hearten her comrades in their darkest moments of despair. And, perhaps for us, plodding through our day, the glimpse of a red leaf on the sidewalk, brilliantly shining with the morning's rain, reminds us of the true Beauty and the true Wisdom of the earth and we find reason to continue on our own journey.

Photograph © Denise Sallee 2010

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